eLearning at Tri-West High School
Good afternoon NWHSC Families and Staff!
Over the course of the weekend and this morning, we have had an increase in positive cases for COVID-19 at TWHS. TWHS is currently experiencing high numbers of staff and student quarantines due to close contact tracing. Although the overall majority of our students are healthy and only at home due to contact tracing, it has greatly impacted the challenges of in person instruction for students. As of today, we will have over 30 percent of our HS students out for quarantine and some members of the teaching staff. We knew the day might come again when we would be called back to eLearning for the safety of our students and staff, and it has arrived. TWHS will be moving to eLearning starting tomorrow, Jan. 26, through Friday, Jan 29th. It is our hope these 4 days will allow our numbers to greatly decrease as we have several students projected to come back next Monday. We plan to return to full in-person learning on Monday, Feb. 1. We will reevaluate the situation and send any updates as needed over the weekend if our plans to return change. ·
Through eLearning, our teachers will be able to provide instruction for students while at home. Thankfully, due to the experience of our virtual learning throughout this semester, I feel confident that TWHS is ready to implement a quality eLearning program that will · engage ourstudent learners.
I apologize for the short notice in this very fluid situation. More information from Mr. Rund will follow later today specifically for HS parents regarding the upcoming week and eLearning expectations.
As always, thank you for your support of our students and schools!!
Dr. Scott Syverson