Finals Protocol:  Once a final exam has begun, students will not be allowed to leave early for ANY reason regardless if they have completed their final, this includes doctor appointments, work, etc. If parents call students out, we will reiterate this protocol to them.  


Students should not be in the hallways during the final testing period. 

Also, students will not be allowed to hang out in the guidance department during voluntary study time or lunches. If students choose to be in the building during the study times, they need to be in their assigned class for that period. 


Students who do not have another final may leave with a written note from 

a parent or guardian and should bring the note to the exit at Door 1 to turn 

in and sign out before dismissal during passing period.

Lunch Breakdown for those that have C lunch:

12:00-12:25  A/C - Spanish I,II, III, PCC, AP Comp

12:30-12:55  B/C - Bio, AP Chem, Environmental, PE,  Adult roles


Finals Schedule:

Friday May 20th

Regular Schedule until after lunch

5th and 6th period does not meet

1:00 - 2:15 - 7th period study time

2:20 - 3:40 - 7th period final


Monday  May 23rd  

Voluntary 1st Study Time:  8:40-10:10

Voluntary 2nd Study Time: 10:15-11:55

4th Lunch: A/C 12:00-12:25 B/C 12:30-12:55 

Mandatory 1st Final: 1:00-2:15 

Mandatory 2nd Final: 2:20-3:40


Tuesday May 24th

Voluntary 3rd Study Time: 8:40-10:10 

Voluntary 4th Study Time: 10:15-11:55 

4th Lunch: A/C 12:00-12:25 B/C 12:30-12:55 

Mandatory 3rd Final: 1:00-2:15 

Mandatory 4th Final: 2:20-3:40


Wednesday May 25th 

Voluntary 5th Study Time: 9:25-10:35

Voluntary 6th Study Time: 10:40-11:55 

4th Lunch: A/C 12:00-12:25 B/C 12:30-12:55 

Mandatory 5th Final: 1:00-2:15 

Mandatory 6th Final: 2:20-3:40